
Various – Summer 2024

This is the thread you can use to ask a question about the site or report any technical issues.
Basic Tips and Tricks for Initial Troubleshooting Keep note of this link if you have any log-on issues and need to troubleshoot quickly.
Our favorite — used often — is clearing browser cache. The link below shows how to clear the cache depending upon which browser you use and other tricks.
If you are experiencing problems displaying WordPress.com pages, clearing the browser cache is a good first step to try to resolve the issue. Here’s a brief explanation of how browser cache works:

  • Each time you access a web page, your web browser stores a temporary copy of the files needed to display the web page to you.
  • Those temporary files are called the browser cache.
  • If your cache is not updating properly or if it’s stuck, you could be viewing an older version of some of the supporting files that run WordPress.com.
  • If you clear the cache, this will force your browser to fetch all of the files for a website again so that you will see the most recent version of the page.

2024 Session 1 – Additional Resources

June 8, 2024 Virtual Training Session
Montana Forms – https://courts.mt.gov/Forms/ChildCustody
Child Development
Parenting Guidelines
Best Interest of Child – MCA 40-2-212
The Hendershott Ruling: When Mediation Runs into Domestic
Cynthia Ford Evidence Corner Kluver v PPL

Welcome, Welcome

Welcome to Billings Mediation Center Training! Here is where we host Mediation training in our great state of Montana. We work with instructors with incredible careers and life work in mediation to deliver training in Fundamental Mediation and Family Mediation.

We started with hybrid training with a mix of in-class learning with material and discussion online. COVID-19 has required many changes, and we work with what we have. At present, we function solely online using our learning site and Zoom Conferencing to stand in for in-person sessions. We always want to deliver the most valuable learning experience, no matter what format we use to provide you the training you seek.

We do our best to set up our courses so that they are easy to use and navigate. We are human, after all, and still learning to navigate changes. If you encounter any issues or provide feedback, we are more than happy to assist and listen.

Once again, welcome to Billings Mediation Center Training. We are incredibly honored to have your attendance and participation.